Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Handling Emotions

In our everyday lives it is very important to be able to handle our emotions in a way that we can have balanced relationships with people around us, whether it is at home or at work. This can happen if we are always observant of our emotions. Instead of getting involved in our emotions, if we are aware of them and are able to observe them objectively, we can immediately centre ourselves and deal with the situation objectively.

This happens when we have been trained to stay in alignment with the Supreme energy, ie. the Creator’s energy. All of us are one with the Creator but to be able to remember it even in disturbing times helps us cope with the disturbances so that they pass without disturbing us. To be able to remember this even when dealing with people with whom we have differences is a technique which we have to understand, imbibe and practice. This is what we learn in Serenity Surrender workshops. Here we understand in the true sense that nobody really ever means to hurt us just the way we don’t ever want to hurt anybody. It is only because of our own karma that we understand others the way we do.

Blaming others and getting angry with others takes us nowhere. If we continue on this path, we only increase the negativity in us. Sometimes even if want to forgive others, we are not able to. Why does this happen? This happens because the root of that particular negative emotion is deep in us. To be able to forgive others, we first need to forgive ourselves. This process, sometimes, becomes painfully slow on the conscious level. But with the help of SS, it can be quickened.

It is interesting to know that in order to understand others, first, we should understand ourselves because what we see in others is actually what we are carrying in us. In our everyday interactions with others, many times we tend to judge others or even ourselves. This comes from the lack of self-acceptance and acceptance of others. Interestingly, acceptance of others comes to us naturally if we accept ourselves completely and unconditionally. Do we really accept ourselves?

Life would be so simple and effortless if could handle our anger, hurt, regret, guilt and many such emotions! Sometimes we get so muddled in all such emotions that we go on attracting more and more of them and there seems no end to the situations they bring in our lives. But thanks to Serenity Surrender that we now know how effortless and blissful life can be. We now know how to actually live every moment of our lives!

SS helps us know ourselves better which in turn helps us know people better. It empowers us to make our lives better and also make this world a better place!

- Vatsala

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